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Name des Werkzeugs:
Name of Tool:
dtSearch Web with Spider
Company Name:
dtSearch Corp


Visual Studio .NET Add-In:
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch):
Description (English): dtSearch Web with Spider has ‘powerful Web-based engines’ (eWEEK) for publishing & searching Web content. Over a dozen indexed & fielded data search options. Highlights hits in HTML, XML & PDF, while displaying links & images. Converts word processor, database, spreadsheet, ZIP, etc. files to HTML, with highlighted hits. Built-in Spider expands searchable database to other sites; supports dynamically-generated content. Optional API for SQL, Java, .NET.
Beschreibung (Deutsch):
Aktuelle Version:
Current Version:

Preis: (Euro oder US-Dollar)
Price (Euros or US-Dollar):

URL für weitere Informationen:
URL for information:
Remarks (English):


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